Carey, Chris and Tommy Sager must unite as siblings to face survival together as the world around them turns upside down. With limited infromation and support of the adults in their lives, they find themselves alone at home, trapped, and trying to ESCAPE.

They face the reality of their lives clinging to their faith and one another for SURVIVAL!


This story takes place in the same time frame as the novel “Escape”.

The last time you heard of Celia Colon was when she messaged ger friend Carey Sager telling her the school bus would be late to pick her up. Celia Colon, along with her cousins and family, were unaware that the world around them was coming apart as they headed for a normal day at school. They never made it to school! The world has other lessons to teach them.

Zombies on the attack will force Celia to focus on the life lived, people she had loved and faced realization of her actions and relationships. With her friends, Celia will need to make decisions and choices they never expected to make as they strive for their survival to become un-trapped.